
Research Articles

Injectable hydrogel conductors: Advancing material design to transform cardiac pacing

G. Rodriguez-Rivera, A. Post, M. John, D. Bashe, F. Xu, T. Larue, A. Nkansah, M. Wancura, M. Chwatko, C. Waldron, N. Kalkunte, J. Zoldan, M. Arseneault, A. Elgalad, M. Rausch, M. Razavi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2025

A Computational Framework to Optimize the Mechanical Behavior of Synthetic Vascular Grafts

D. Jiang, A.J. Robinson, A. Nkansah, J. Leung, L. Guo, S.A. Maas, J.A. Weiss, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, L.H. Timmins

December 2024

Design of an Electrospun Wrap for Improved Durability and Infection Control in Masquelet’s Induced Membrane Technique

S. Jones, I. Gilbert, C.Y. Lin, M.J. Lohr, P. Baek, C. Midkiff, N. Longbottom, Z. Oyebanji, R. Birur, S.J. Horn, F. Clubb, M.K. Rausch, S. McBride-Gagyi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

December 2024

Design of PEG-based hydrogels as soft ionic conductors

G. Rodriguez-Rivera, F. Xu, M. Laude, V. Shah, A. Nkansah, D. Bashe, Z. Lan, M. Chwatko, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

November 2024

Perspectives on Recent Developments and Directions in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

N. Annabi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, A. Weiss

November 2024

Antimicrobial hydrogel foam dressing with controlled release of gallium maltolate for infection control in chronic wounds

Ziyang Lan, Leopold Guo, Alan Fletcher, Nicolai Ang, Canaan Whitfield-Cargile, Laura Bryan, Shannara Welch, Lauren Richardson, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

September 2024

Suspension electrospinning of decellularized extracellular matrix: A new method to preserve bioactivity

Sarah Jones, Sabrina VandenHeuvel, Andres Luengo Martinez, Ruchi Birur, Eric Burgeson, Isabelle Gilbert, Aaron Baker, Matthew Wolf, Shreya A. Raghavan, Simon Rogers, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

August 2024

Polycaprolactone-Based Shape Memory Foams as Self-Fitting Vaginal Stents

Ashley Hicks, Courteney Roberts, Andrew Robinson, Kailey Wilson, Varsha Kotamreddy, Trace LaRue, Arian Veyssi, Felipe Beltran, Julie Hakim, Manuel Rausch, Melissa Grunlan, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

August 2024

Enhancing boundary detection of radiofrequency ablation lesions through photoacoustic mapping

Shang Gao, Haotian Liu, Allison Post, Lukas Jaworski, Drew Bernard, Mathews John, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez, Mehdi Razavi & Haichong K. Zhang

August 2024

Suspension Electrospinning of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix

Sarah Jones, Sabrina VandenHeuval, Andres Luengo Martinez, Eric Burgeson, Shreya Raghavan, Simon Rogers, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2024

Hydrogel Foam Dressings with Angiogenic and Immunomodulatory Factors from Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Ziyang Lan, Alan Fletcher, Elizabeth C. Bender, Wenbai Huang, Laura J. Suggs, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2024

Injectable Hydrogel Electrodes as Conduction Highways to Restore Native Pacing

Gabriel J. Rodriguez-Rivera, Allison Post, Mathews John, Skylar Buchan, Drew Bernard, Mehdi Razavi, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2024

Hydrogel-polyurethane fiber composites with enhanced microarchitectural control for heart valve replacement

A. Robinson, A. Nkansah, S. Bhat, S. Karnik, S. Jones, A. Fairley, J. Leung, M. Wancura, M. Sacks, L. Dasi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

November 2023

Hydroxyapatite nanoparticle-modified porous bone grafts with improved cell attachment

Prachi Dhavalikar, Dana Jenkins, Natalie Rosen, Aparajith Kannapiran, Karim Salhadar, Orren Shachaf, Michael Silverstein, and Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernández

October 2023

The accumulation and growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on surfaces is modulated by surface mechanics via cyclic-di-GMP signaling

Liyun Wang, Yu-Chern Wong, Joshua M. Correira, Megan Wancura, Chris J. Geiger, Shanice S. Webster, Ahmed Touhami, Benjamin J. Butler, George A. O’Toole, Richard M. Langford, Katherine A. Brown, Berkin Dortdivanlioglu, Lauren Webb, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez & Vernita D. Gordon

October 2023

A user's guide to degradation testing of polyethylene glycol-based hydrogels: From in vitro to in vivo studies

Gabriel J. Rodriguez-Rivera, Mykel Green, Vani Shah, Kathleen Leyendecker, Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

September 2023

New synthetic route to improve uniformity of cell-releasing PEG-based hydrogel carriers

M. Green, A. Hicks, T. Sullivan, P. Oliviera, B. Venkat, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

August 2023

Equitable hiring strategies towards a diversified faculty

August 2023

Polyhipe Autograft Extender As An Injectable Bone Graft

E Cosgriff-Hernandez, D Jenkins, A Kannapiran, O Shachaf

Interpenetrating network design of bioactive hydrogel coatings with enhanced damage resistance

Megan Wancura, Abbey Nkansah, Malgorzata Chwatko, Andrew Robinson, Ashauntee Fairley, and Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

February 2023

PEG-Based Hydrogel Coatings: Design Tools for Biomedical Applications

Megan Wancura, Abbey Nkansah, Andrew Robinson, Shireen Toubbeh, Michael Talanker, Sarah Jones & Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez

February 2023

High porosity PEG-based hydrogel foams with self-tuning moisture balance as chronic wound dressings

Z. Lan, R. Kar, M. Chwatko, E. Shoga, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2023

Towards prevention of re-entrant arrhythmias: Injectable hydrogel electrodes enable direct capture of previously inaccessible cardiac tissues

G. Rodriguez-Rivera, A. Post, M. John, S. Buchan, M. Wancura, M. Chwatko, C. Waldron, N. Kalkunte, J. Zoldan, M. Arseneault, M. Razavi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

November 2022

Ten simple rules in biomedical engineering to improve healthcare equity

O. Lanier, M. Green, G. Barabino, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

October 2022

Wound swabs versus biopsies to detect methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in experimental equine wounds

A. Brock, A. Chamoun-Emanuelli, E. Howard, K. Huntzinger, S. Lawhon, L. Bryan, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, N. Cohen, C. Whitfield-Cargile

September 2022

PoreScript: Automated Pore Size Algorithm for Scaffold Characterization

D. Jenkins, K. Salhadar, G. Ashby, A. Misha, J. Cheshire, F. Beltran, M. Grunlan, S. Andrieux, C. Stubenrauch, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

July 2022

A roadmap towards equitable hiring to diversify biomedical engineering faculty

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, B. A. Aguado, B. Akpa, G. C. Fleming, E. Moore, A. M. Porras, P. M. Boyle, D. D. Chan, N. Chesler, K. L. Christman, T. A. Desai, B. A.C. Harley, M. L. Killian, K. Maisel, K. C. Maitland, S. R. Peyton, B. L. Pruitt, S. E. Stabenfeldt, K. R. Stevens, A. K. Bowden

June 2022

Model-Directed Design of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, L. H. Timmins

March 2022

Anisotropic elastic behavior of a hydrogel-coated electrospun polyurethane: Suitability for heart valve leaflets

S. Motiwale, M. Russell, O. Conroy, J. Carruth, M. Wancura, A. Robinson, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M. Sacks

January 2022

Reconstituting electrical conduction in soft tissue: the path to replace the ablationist

A. Post, S. Buchan, M. John, P. Safavi-Naeini, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M. Razavi

December 2021

Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Coatings for Bioprosthetic Valve Tissues: Toward Restoration of Physiological Behavior

M. Roseen, R. Lee, A. Post, M. Wancura, J. Connell, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, K. Jane Grande-Allen

November 2021

A Prevascularized Polyurethane-Reinforced Fibrin Patch Improves Regenerative Remodeling in a Rat Right Ventricle Replacement Model

Z. Tao, D. Jarrell, A. Robinson, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, J. Jacot

October 2021

Comparative efficacy of resorbable fiber wraps loaded with gentamicin sulfate or gallium maltolate in the treatment of osteomyelitis

T. Buie, M. Whiteley, A. Balakrishnan, A. Jose, J. McCune, Z. Lan, J. Wenke, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Reactive Surfactants for Achieving Open-Cell PolyHIPE Foams from Pickering Emulsions

I. Berezovska, K. Kapilov, P. Dhavalikar, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, Michael S. Silverstein

Engineering Toolbox for Systematic Design of PolyHIPE Microarchitecture

P. Dhavalikar, J. Shenoi, K. Salhadar, J. Cheshire, M. Chwatko, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

April 2021

Precise control of synthetic hydrogel network structure via linear, independent synthesis-swelling relationships

N. Richbourg, M Wancura, AE Gilchrist, S Toubbeh, BAC Harley, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, NA Peppas

February 2021

Fund Black Scientists

K. Stevens, K. Masters, PI Imoukhuede, K. Haynes, L. Setton, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M. Bell, P. Rangamani, S. Sakiyama-Elbert, S. Finley, R. Willits, A. Koppes, N. Chesler, K. Christman, J. Allen, J. Wong, H. El-Samad, T. Desai, O. Eniola-Adefeso

February 2021

Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Coatings for Bioprosthetic Valve Tissues: Toward Restoration of Physiological Behavior

M. Roseen, R. Lee, A. Post, M. Wancura, J. Connell, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, K. Jane Grande-Allen

November 2020

In vivo performance of a bilayer wrap to prevent abdominal adhesions

A. Kishan*, T. Buie*, C. Whitfield-Cargile, A. Jose, L. Bryan, N. Cohen, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

October 2020

Bioactive hydrogel coatings of complex substrates using diffusion-mediated redox initiation

M. Wancura, M. Talanker, S. Toubbeh, A. Bryan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

April 2020

Fiber engraving for bioink bioprinting within 3D printed tissue engineering scaffolds

L. Diaz-Gomez, M. Elizondo, G. Koons, M. Diba, L. Chim, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez,

January 2020

Evaluation of a polyurethane-reinforced hydrogel patch in a rat right ventricle wall replacement model

Z. Tao, S. Wu, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, J. Jacot

January 2020

Methacrylate-based polymer foams with controllable connectivity, pore shape, pore size and polydispersity

M. Dabrowski, D. Jenkins, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, C. Stubenrauch

January 2020

Assaying How Phagocytic Success Depends on the Elasticity of a Large Target Structure

M. Davis-Fields, L.A. Bakhtiari, Z. Lan, K.N. Kovach, L. Wang, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, V. Gordon

October 2019

Emerging technologies in pediatric gynecology: new paradigms in women's health care.

M. Wancura, J. McCracken, E. Steen, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, S. Keswani, J. Hakim.

October 2019

Porous PolyHIPE microspheres for protein delivery from an injectable bone graft.

M. Whitely, G. Rodriguez-Rivera, C. Waldron, S. Mohiuddin, S. Cereceres, N. Sears, N. Ray and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

July 2019

In Vivo Characterization of Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels with Thio-β Esters

S. Cereceres, Z. Lan, L Bryan, M. Whitely, T. Wilems, N. Fabela, C. Whitfield-Cargile

Fabrication and Characterization of Electrospun Decellularized Muscle-Derived Scaffolds

M. Smoak, A. Han, E. Watson, A. Kishan, J. Grande-Allen, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, A. Mikos

Bactericidal activity of 3D-printed hydrogel dressing loaded with gallium maltolate

S. Cereceres, Z. Lan, L. Bryan, M. Whitely, T. Wilems, H. Greer, E.R. Alexander, R. Taylor, L. Bernstein, N. Cohen, C. Whitfield-Cargile, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

April 2019

Elucidating the role of graft compliance mismatch on intimal hyperplasia using an ex vivo organ culture model. Acta biomaterialia

A. Post, P. Diaz-Rodriguez, S. Balouch, S. Paulsen, S. Wu, J. Miller, M. Hahn, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

April 2019

Elucidation of Endothelial Cell Hemostatic Regulation with Integrin-Targeting Hydrogels.

A. Post, S. Isgandarova, M. Martinez-Moczygemba, M. Hahn, B. Russell, M. Hook and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

March 2019

Improved in situ seeding of 3D printed scaffolds using cell-releasing hydrogels.

M. Whitely, S. Cereceres, P. Dhavalikar, K. Salhadar, T. Wilems, B. Smith, A. Mikos and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

December 2018

Hydrocolloid Inks for 3D Printing of Porous Hydrogels.

N. A. Sears, T. S. Wilems, K. A. Gold, Z. Lan, S. N. Cereceres, P. S. Dhavalikar, R. Foudazi and E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

November 2018

Development of a bimodal, in situ crosslinking method to achieve multifactor release from electrospun gelatin.

A. Kishan, T. Walker, N. Sears, T. Wilems and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

Hemostatic and Absorbent PolyHIPE-Kaolin Composites for 3D Printable Wound Dressing Materials.

B. C. Streifel, J. G. Lundin, A. M. Sanders, K. A. Gold, T. S. Wilems, S. J. Williams, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez and J. H. Wynne.

Introduction of sacrificial bonds to hydrogels to increase defect tolerance during suturing of multilayer vascular grafts.

A. Post, A. P. Kishan, P. Diaz-Rodriguez, E. Tuzun, M. Hahn and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

March 2018

Fabrication of macromolecular gradients in aligned fiber scaffolds using a combination of in-line blending and air-gap electrospinning.

A. Kishan, A. Robbins, M. Jiang, V. Erel, M. Moreno, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

July 2017

Fabrication of biomimetic bone grafts with multi-material 3D printing.

N. Sears, P. Dhavalikar, M. Whitely, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

Prevention of Oxygen Inhibition of PolyHIPE Radical Polymerization using a Thiol-based Crosslinker.

M. Whitely, J. Robinson, M. Stuebben, H. Pearce, M. McEnery, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2017

Fabrication of a space filling antimicrobial hemostatic sponge.

T.L. Landsman, T. Touchet, L.D. Nash, S.M. Hasan, C. Smith, J. Rivera, B. Russell, D.J. Maitland, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2017

A shape memory foam composite with enhanced fluid uptake and bactericidal properties as a hemostatic agent.

T. L. Landsman, T. Touchet, S. M. Hasan, C. Smith, B. Russell, J. Rivera, D. J. Maitland and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2017

Hybrid polyurea elastomers with enzymatic degradation and tunable mechanical properties.

N.A. Sears, G. Pena-Galea, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

December 2016

Electrospun polyurethane and hydrogel composite scaffolds as biomechanical mimics for aortic valve tissue engineering.

D. Puperi, A. Kishan, Z. Punskea, Y. Wuc, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, J. West, K. J. Grande-Allen.

August 2016

Emulsion Inks for 3D Printing High Porosity Materials.

N. Sears, P. Dhavalikar, E. Cosgriff-Hernández.

June 2016

Comparison of clinical explants and accelerated hydrolytic aging to improve biostability assessment of silicone‐based polyurethanes.

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, E. Tkatchouk, T. Touchet, N. Sears, A. Kishan, C. Jenney, A. Padsalgikar, E. Chen.

March 2016

Osteoinductive PolyHIPE Foams as Injectable Bone Grafts.

J. Robinson, M. McEnery, H. Pearce, M. Whitely, D. Munoz-Pinto, M. Hahn, H. Li, N. Sears, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

February 2016

In situ crosslinking of electrospun gelatin for improved fiber morphology retention and tunable degradation.

A. P. Kishan, R. M. Nezarati, C. M. Radzicki, A. L. Renfro, J. L. Robinson, M. E. Whitely and E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

August 2015

Chronic Wound Dressings Based on Collagen-mimetic Proteins.

S. Cereceres, T. Touchet, M.B. Browning, C. Smith, J. Rivera, M. Höök, C. Whitfield-Cargile, B. Russell, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

August 2015

Bioactive Nanoengineered Hydrogels for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Growth-Factor-Free Approach.

J. Xavier, T. Thakur, P. Desai, M. Jaiswal, N. Sears, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, R. Kaunas, A. Gaharwar.

February 2015

High compliance vascular grafts based on semi-interpenetrating networks.

D. Dempsey, R. Nezarati, C. Mackey, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2014

Endothelial cell response to chemical, biological, and physical cues in bioactive hydrogels.

M.B. Browning, V. Guiza, B. Russell, J. Rivera, M. Hook, M. Hahn, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2014

Electrospun Vascular Grafts with Improved Compliance Matching to Native Vessels.

R. Nezarati, M. Eifert, D. Dempsey, M.B. Browning, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

Solvent-Free Fabrication of PolyHIPE Microspheres for Controlled Release of Growth Factors.

R. Moglia, M. Whitely, M. Brooks, J. Robinson, M. Pishko, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Limitations of Predicting In Vivo Biostability of Multiphase Polyurethane Elastomers using Temperature Accelerated Degradation Testing: Observations from Cardiac Lead Implants.

A. Pradsalgikar, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, G. Gallagher, A. Norlin-Wessenrieder, J. Runt.

Characterization of a Novel Poly(ester urethane) with Biodegradable Hard Segments.

D. Dempsey, J. Robinson, R. Ward, A. Iyer, J. Parakka, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2014

Determination of the in vivo degradation mechanism of PEGDA hydrogels.

M.B. Browning, S. Cereceres, P. Luong, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2014

Achieving Interconnected Pore Architecture in Injectable PolyHIPEs for Bone Tissue Engineering.

J. Robinson, R. Moglia, M. Stuebben, M. McEnery, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2014

Injectable and porous polyMIPE scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration.

R. Moglia, J. Holm, A. Muschenborn, T. Touchet, D. Maitland, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

January 2014

Low density biodegradable shape memory polyurethane foams for aneurysm treatment.

P. Singhal, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, D. J. Maitland and T. S. Wilson.

January 2014

Comparative analysis of in vitro oxidative degradation of poly(carbonate urethanes) for prediction of biostability.

D. Dempsey, C. Carranza, P. Gray, J. Eoh, S. Cerceres, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

November 2013

Drying and Storage Effects on Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogel Mechanical Properties and Bioactivity.

P. Luong, M.B. Browning, R. Bixler, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

October 2013

Bioactive hydrogels with enhanced initial and sustained cell interactions.

M.B. Browning, B. Russell, M. Hook, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

June 2013

Effects of Humidity and Solution Viscosity on Electrospun Fiber Morphology.

R. Nezarati, M. Eifert, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

April 2013

Multilayer Vascular Grafts Based on Collagen-Mimetic Hydrogels.

M.B. Browning, D. Dempsey, V. Guiza, J. Rivera, M. Hook, B. Russell, F. Clubb, M. Miller, T. Fossum, M. Hahn, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

March 2012

Development of a biostable replacement for PEGDA hydrogels.

M.B. Browning, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

February 2012

Development of Injectable PolyHIPEs as High Porosity Bone Grafts.

R. Moglia, J. Holm, C. Wilson, D. Harrison, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2011

Injectable PolyHIPEs with Rapid In Situ Curing.

R. Moglia, M. Whitely, P. Dhavilikar, J. Robinson, H. Pearce, M. Brooks, M. Stuebben, N. Cordner, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2011

Synthesis of Collagenase-Sensitive Polyureas for Ligament Tissue Engineering.

H. Benhardt, N. Sears, T. Touchet, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

June 2011

Compositional control of poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel modulus independent of mesh size.

M.B. Browning, T. Wilems, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

Bioactive Hydrogels Based on Designer Collagens.

E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M.Hahn, B.Russell, T.Wilems, D. Munoz-Pinto, M.B. Browning, J. Rivera, M. Hook.

October 2010

Micropatterning of Electrospun Polyurethane Fibers through Control of Surface Topography.

D. Dempsey, C. Schwartz, R. Ward, A. Iyer, J. Parakka, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2010

In vivo bone biocompatibility and degradation of porous fumarate-based polymer/alumoxane nanocomposites for bone tissue engineering.

A. S. Mistry, Q. P. Pham, C. Shouten, T. Yeh, E. M. Christenson, A. G. Mikos, J. A. Jansen,.

February 2010

Fabrication and in vitro degradation of porous fumarate-based polymer/alumoxane nanocomposite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering.

A. S. Mistry, S. H. Cheng, T. Yeh, E. M. Christenson, A. G. Mikos, J. A. Jansen.

April 2009

Biodegradable Fumarate-based PolyHIPEs as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds.

E. M. Christenson, W. Soofi, J. L. Holm, N. R. Cameron, A. G. Mikos

November 2007

Enzymatic Degradation of Commercial Poly(ether urethane) and Poly(carbonate urethane) by Cholesterol Esterase.

E. M. Christenson, S. Patel, J.M. Anderson, A. Hiltner

July 2006

Antioxidant Inhibition of Poly(carbonate urethane) In Vivo Biodegradation.

E. M. Christenson J.M. Anderson, A. Hiltner.

March 2006

Relationship between Nanoscale Deformation Process and Elastic Behavior of Polyurethane Elastomers.

E. M. Christenson, J.M. Anderson, E. Baer, A. Hiltner.

November 2005

Biostability and Macrophage-Mediated Foreign Body Response of Silicone-Modified Polyurethanes.

E. M. Christenson, M. Dadsetan, J.M. Anderson, A. Hiltner.

August 2005

Surface modification of poly(ether urethane urea) with modified dehydroepiandrosterone for improved in vivo biostability.

E. M. Christenson, M.J. Wiggins, J.M. Anderson, A. Hiltner.

April 2005

Oxidative Mechanisms of Poly(carbonate urethane) and Poly(ether urethane) Biodegradation: In Vivo and In Vitro Correlations.

E. M. Christenson, J.M. Anderson, A. Hiltner.

August 2004

Review Articles

Prokaryotic Collagen-Like Proteins as Novel Biomaterials

J. Picker, Z. Lan, S. Arora, M. Green, M. Hahn, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M. Hook

March 2022

Comparative Analysis of Animal Models and Alternatives in Vaginal Research

J. McCracken, G. Calderon, A. Robinson, C. Sullivan, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, J. Hakim

April 2021

Comparative analysis of fiber alignment methods in electrospinning

A. J. Robinson, A. Pérez-Nava, S. C.Ali, J. B. González-Campos, J. L. Holloway, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

March 2021

Review of Integrin-Targeting Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering

P. Dhavalikar , A. Robinson, Z. Lan, D. Jenkins, M. Chwatko, K. Salhadar, A. Jose, R. Kar, E. Shoga, A. Kannapiran, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2021

Gelatin matrices for growth factor sequestration

T. Buie, J. McCune, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

January 2020

A review of integrin-mediated endothelial cell phenotype in the design of cardiovascular devices

A. Post, E. Wang, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

February 2019

Recent advancements in electrospinning design for tissue engineering applications: A review.

A. P. Kishan, A. B. Robbins, S. F. Mohiuddin, M. Jiang, M. R. Moreno and E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

October 2017

A Review of 3D Printing in Tissue Engineering.

N. Sears, P. Dhavalikar, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

April 2016

The Role of Mechanobiology in Ligament Tissue Engineering Scaffolds.

H. Benhardt, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

August 2009

New Biomaterials as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering.

E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, A.G. Mikos.

October 2008

Biodegradation Mechanisms of Polyurethane Elastomers.

E. M. Christenson, A. Hiltner, J.M. Anderson.

November 2007

Nanobiomaterial Applications in Orthopaedics.

E. M. Christenson, K.S. Anseth, J. van den Beucken, C.K. Chan, B. Ercan, John A. Jansen, C.T. Laurencin, W.J. Li, R. Murugan, L.S. Nair, S. Ramakrishna, R.S. Tuan, T.J. Webster, A.G. Mikos.

January 2007

Book Chapters

Biomedical Applications of Additive Manufacturing

Biomaterials Science 4th Edition

P. Dhavalikar, Z. Lan, R. Kar, K. Salhadar, A. Gaharwar, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Hierarchical Structure-Property Relationships of Segmented Polyurethanes

Advances in Polyurethane Biomaterials

T. Touchet, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Ligament and Tendon Tissue Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Handbook

N. Sears, T. Touchet, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Clinically Applied Biomaterials - Soft Tissue

Handbook of Biomedical Technology

S. Buffington, M.B. Browning, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Ligament and Tendon Tissue Engineering

Tissue Engineering Principles and Practice

N. Sears, T. Touchet, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Resorbable Polyurethanes

Szycheris Handbook of Polyurethanes

D.K. Dempsey, H.A. Benhardt, E.M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Emulsion Templating

The Handbook of Intelligent Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine

E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez


Refereed COnference Proceedings

Injectable Hydrogels to Restore Cardiac Conduction Across Scarred Myocardium

G.J. Rodriguez-Rivera, G. Chwatko, A. Post, M. John, C. Waldron, M. Razavi, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference

January 6, 2020

A Co-electrospun periosteum for bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez


December 1, 2019

A multifunctional electrospun wrap to treat infection and enhance induced membrane formation in the Masquelet technique

T. Buie, J. McCune, A. Kishan, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

BioInterface 2019

September 1, 2019

Development of an adjunct wrap for the treatment of osteomyelitis in open fractures

T. Buie, J. McCune, T. Wilems, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2019 Texas Biomaterial's Day

June 1, 2019

Adhesive antimicrobial wraps to treat infection and improve bone regeneration

T. Buie, J. McCune, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2019 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting

April 1, 2019

PolyHIPE Microspheres for Growth Factor Delivery from Bone Grafts

G. Rodriguez-Rivera, M. Whitley, C. Waldron, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2018 Conference of Ford Foundation Fellows

October 19, 2018

Protein release from polyHIPE microspheres for bone grafts applications

G. Rodriguez-Rivera, M. Whitley, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2018 Biomaterials Day

June 1, 2018

In vivo evaluation of a bilayer wrap to prevent abdominal adhesions and enhance anastomotic healing

T. Buie, A. Kishan, C. Whitfield-Cargile, T. Wilems, N. Cohen, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2018 Texas Biomaterial's Day

May 30, 2018

Development of a multi-functional wrap for bone allograft revitalization

T. Buie, Kishan, T. Wilems, andE. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2018 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting

April 1, 2018

The development of a multi-functional wrap for allograft bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2017 Gordon Research Conference

July 1, 2017

The development of a multi-functional wrap for allograft bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2017 Texas Biomaterial's Day

June 1, 2017

The development of a multi-functional wrap for allograft bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Gulf Coast Consortia Regenerative Medicine Symposium 2017

June 1, 2017

A Co-electrospun bioactive graft for bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

TAMUS LSAMP Symposium 2017

March 1, 2017

Development of a tissue engineered periosteum for bone regeneration

T. Buie, Kishan, T. Wilems, andE. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Pathways Symposium 2016

November 1, 2016

Development of a tissue engineered periosteum for bone regeneration

T. Walker, A. Kishan, and E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

Biomaterial's Day 2016

June 1, 2016

Development of Injectable PolyHIPEs as Tissue Engineering Grafts

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

ACS National Meeting

April 7, 2013

Collagenase Sensitive Polyurea Elastomers: Effect of Chain extender on System Gellation

N. Sears, M. Hasan, G. Pena-Galea, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2012 Fall Symposium for the Society for Biomaterials

October 4, 2012

Utilization of Protein Functionalization to Improve EC Adhesion to Collagen-Mimetic Hydrogels

M.B. Browning, B. Russell, J. Rivera, M. Hˆˆk, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2012 Fall Symposium for the Society for Biomaterials

October 4, 2012

Modulating the Mechanical Properties of an Electrospun Vascular Graft

R.M. Nezarati, D.K. Dempsey, M.B. Browning, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2011 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society-North America Annual Conference

December 11, 2011

High Porosity PolyHIPEs as Injectable Bone Grafts

J. Holm, R. Moglia, S. Buffington, D. Munoz-Pinto, M. Hahn, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2011 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting

October 12, 2011

Development of Injectable PolyHIPEs as High Porosity Bone Grafts

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

242nd ACS National Meeting

August 28, 2011

Fabrication of 3D Matrices for Tissue Regeneration

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

4th International Conference on Tissue Engineering

May 31, 2011

Multilayer Vascular Grafts Based on Collagen-Mimetic Hydrogels

E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, M. Hahn, M.B. Browning, D. Dempsey, V. Guiza, J. Rivera, M. Hˆˆk, B. Russell, F. Clubb, M. Miller, T. Fossum

35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 13, 2011

Bioactive Hydrogels Based on Collagen-mimetic Proteins

D. Munoz-Pinto, B. Wang, M.B. Browning, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, B. Russell, M. Hook, M. S. Hahn

2010 AIChE Annual Meeting

November 7, 2010

Injectable PolyHIPEs as High Porosity Bone Grafts

R.S. Moglia, N.A. Sears, H.A. Benhardt, E.M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2010 AIChE Annual Meeting

November 7, 2010

In vitro biodegradation of a novel poly(ester urethane)

D.K. Dempsey, A.F. Haque, R.S. Ward, A.V. Iyer, J.P. Parakka, E.M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting

October 6, 2010

Reinforcing PEG Hydrogels with an Electrospun Mesh Sleeve to Form a Multilayer TEVG

M.B. Browning, D.K. Dempsey, E.M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting

October 6, 2010

Synthesis of a Biodegradable Methacrylated Ester for Bone Graft Fabrication

C. J. Wilson, R. Moglia, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting

October 6, 2010

Synthesis of Collagenase-Sensitive Polyureas for Ligament Tissue Engineering

T.Touchet, H.A. Benhardt, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

2010 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting

October 6, 2010

Cardiovascular Biomaterials and Polyurethanes: Issues and Perspectives

J.M. Anderson, B. Jao, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

Bioactive Hydrogels based on Collagen-Mimetic Proteins for Controlled MSC Differentiation

D. J. Munoz-Pinto, B. Wang, T. Wilems**, M. Browning*, E. Cosgriff-Hernandez, B. Russell, J. Rivera, M. Hook, M. S.Hahn

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

Micropatterning of Electrospun Polyurethane Fibers through Control of Surface Topography

D. Dempsey, C. Schwartz, R. Ward, A. Iyer, J. Parakka, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

High Porosity Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Emulstion Templating for Use as Bone Grafts

N. A. Sears, R. Moglia, H. Benhardt, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

Decoupling PEG Hydrogel Mesh Size and Modulus with the Integration of 4-armed PEG

M.B. Browning, T.S. Wilems, M. Hahn, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

Incorporation of Collagen-Mimetic Proteins into Bioactive Hydrogels

T.S. Wilems, M.B. Browning, M. Hahn, D. Munoz-Pinto, J. Rivera, M. Hˆˆk, B. Russell, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 21, 2010

High Porosity Bone Scaffolds by Emulsion Templating

E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, N.A. Sears, H. A. Benhardt

238th American Chemical Society National Meeting

August 16, 2009

Cell-Responsive Polyurethanes: Synthesis of Peptide-Based Polyol Soft Segments

H. A. Benhardt, T.S. Wilems, E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez

33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 22, 2009

Peptide-based Polyurethane Elastomers as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

E. M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, T. S. Wilems, N. A. Sears

Materials Research Society Meeting

November 1, 2008

High Porosity Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Emulsion Templating

E. M. Christenson

32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 18, 2007

Biodegradable PolyHIPEs as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds for Craniofacial Tissue Engineering

E. M. Christenson

IADR 85th General Session and Exhibition

March 21, 2007

Biodegradable Fumarate-based PolyHIPEs as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

E. M. Christenson

53rd Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting

February 11, 2007

Biodegradable Fumarate-based PolyHIPEs as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

E. M. Christenson

AIChE Annual Meeting

November 12, 2006

Biostability and Macrophage-Mediated Foreign Body Response of Silicone-Modified Polyurethanes

E. M. Christenson

30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 27, 2005

Biostability of Polyurethane Elastomers: Effect of fatigue, polyol type and molecular weight

E. M. Christenson

Annual Center for Applied Polymer Research Symposium

June 2, 2004

Oxidative biodegradation of poly(carbonate urethanes) and poly(ether urethane)

E. M. Christenson

Annual Center for Applied Polymer Research Symposium

June 2, 2004

Biostability of Poly(ether urethane urea) Containing Modified Dehydroepiandrosterone

E. M. Christenson

7th World Biomaterial Congress

May 17, 2004

Oxidative Biodegradation of Poly(carbonate urethane): In Vivo and In Vitro Correlations

E. M. Christenson

7th World Biomaterial Congress

May 17, 2004

Biostability of Silicone-Modified Poly(carbonate urethane)

E. M. Christenson

7th World Biomaterial Congress

May 17, 2004

The Effect of Material Surface Chemistry on the Macrophage-Mediated Foreign Body Response

E. M. Christenson

7th World Biomaterial Congress

May 17, 2004

Nanophase Morphology and Deformation Mechanisms of Poly(ether urethane) Elastomers

E. M. Christenson

Annual Center for Applied Polymer Research Symposium

May 28, 2003

Effect of Silicone-Modification on the Phase Morphology and Biostability of Poly(ether urethanes)

E. M. Christenson

Annual Center for Applied Polymer Research Symposium

May 29, 2002

Effect of Silicone-Modification on the Phase Morphology and Biostability of Poly(ether urethanes)

E. M. Christenson

28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 24, 2002

Inhibition of in vivo Inflammatory Cell Adhesion by Surface-Modifying End Groups

E. M. Christenson

27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials

April 24, 2001